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jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Recomendaciones de la CIE


CIE S 004/E-2001: Colours of Light Signals

ISO 16508:1999(E)/CIE S 006.1/E-1998: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Road Traffic Lights - Photometric Properties of 200 mm Roundel Signals

ISO 16508:1999(F)/CIE S 006.1/F-1998: Norme ISO/CIE: Feux de circulation - Caractéristiques photométriques des feux de signalisation avec un diamètre de 200 mm

ISO 17166:1999(E)/CIE S 007/E-1998: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Erythema Reference Action Spectrum and Standard Erythema Dose

ISO 17166:1999(F)/CIE S 007/F-1998
: Norme ISO/CIE: Spectre d'action érythémale de référence et dose érythémale normalisée

CIE S 007/D-1998: CIE Norm: Erythemale Referenzwirkungsfunktion und standardisierte Erythemdosis

ISO 8995-1:2002(E)/CIE S 008/E:2001: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Lighting of Work Places - Part 1: Indoor [incl. Technical Corrigendum ISO 8995:2002/Cor. 1:2005(E)]

CEI/IEC 62471/CIE S 009/E&F:2006: Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems (bilingual edition) Sécurité photobiologique des lampes et des appareils utilisant les lampes

CIE S 009/D:2002: Photobiologische Sicherheit von Lampen und Lampensystemen

ISO 23539:2005(E)/CIE S 010/E:2004: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Photometry - The CIE System of Physical Photometry

ISO 15469:2004(E)/CIE S 011/E:2003: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Spatial Distribution of Daylight - CIE Standard General Sky

ISO 23603:2005(E)/CIE S 012/E:2004: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Standard Method of Assessing the Spectral Quality of Daylight Simulators for Visual Appraisal and Measurement of Colour

CIE S 013/E:2003
: International Standard Global Solar UV Index)

CIE S 015/E:2005: Lighting of Outdoor Work Places

ISO 8995-3:2006(E)/CIE S 016/E:2005: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Lighting of Work Places - Part 3: Lighting Requirements for Safety and Security of Outdoor Work Places

CIE S 017/E:2011: ILV: International Lighting Vocabulary

ISO 28077:2006(E)/CIE S 019/E:2006: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Photocarcinogenesis Action Spectrum (Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers)

ISO 30061:2007(E)/CIE S 020/E:2007: Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Emergency Lighting

CIE S 021/E:2011: Vehicle Headlighting Systems Photometric Performance - Method of Assessment)

CIE S 023/E:2013: Characterization of the Performance of Illuminance Meters and Luminance Meters

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